Get Involved! - Newark Public Library

Get Involved!

Help Support Your Local Library

Please support The Newark Public Library. Donations from generous individuals and institutions allow the Library to update and increase collections, provide special events and programs for the community, make after-school homework help available for young students, and improve technology. All the support that we receive from our community allows us to increase resources and services for our patrons.

Please consider supporting the Library today in one of the ways suggested below.


Gifts and donations enable the Library to continue its mission of enriching live.  Click here to donate.

Join the Friends

The Friends of The Newark Public Library is a community-based membership organization dedicated to supporting and promoting The Newark Public Library through programs, advocacy and financial support. Learn More.

Planned Giving

Bequests help to ensure the future of the Library. A bequest may be made through a properly executed last will and testament. Bequest statements should include a description of the property to be given in specific kinds, percentages, and/or number of dollars. A bequest qualifies for an estate tax charitable deduction. Please speak with your lawyer for information on how you can include The Newark Public Library in your estate plans. Learn More.


The goal of the Library volunteer program is to utilize the skills and interests of our volunteers in our branches and at the Main Library to maximize the level of service that the Library provides to our patrons. Positions are designed to match a volunteer’s skills, interests, and schedule. Learn More.