Want a Library Card?
It's Quick and Easy
Determine Your Eligibility
- Visit http://www.npl.org
- Click on CATALOG (second item in the menu toward the top of the page)
- Select MY LIBRARY ACCOUNT (top right of page)
- Fill out the form: choose a PIN of 4 numbers you will remember
Enjoy the Benefits
Types of Membership
Newark Residents
Non Residents
Other Non-Members and ReBL
The Newark Public Library (NPL) issues a library card at no charge to those who live in Newark.
Applicants over the age of 14 must present identification, with proof of their stated address.
Appropriate forms of identification include current:
- School identification card
- New Jersey ID card
- New Jersey driver’s license
- New Jersey motor vehicle registration
- New Jersey State Senior Citizens’ ID
- Rental or lease agreement
- Utility bill addressed to the applicant
- Bank statement addressed to the applicant
- Credit card statement addressed to the applicant
- Other U.S. mail addressed to the applicant, delivered within the preceding 30 days
Residents of shelters are considered temporary residents. The Library issues temporary cards to them if they present a letter from a shelter, confirming their residency. Temporary cards must be renewed every three months.
The Library issues cards to nonresidents who work, attend school, or own property in Newark, if they provide proof of their employment, enrollment, or property ownership in addition to the proof of identification and home address that is required of resident applicants.
Appropriate proof of employment includes:
- Employee identification badge
- Letter from employer
- Pay stub with work address
Appropriate proof of school enrollment includes:
- Student identification card
- Printed class schedule
- Report card
- Letter from school
Appropriate proof of property ownership includes:
- Tax bill
- Water bill
- Title, deed or other proof of ownership
Most libraries in Essex County participate in the ReBL (Reciprocating Borrowing and Lending) program and will issue ReBL stickers to their borrowers in good standing. Cards with ReBL stickers may be used at the Newark Public Library.
The Newark Public Library also issues cards to nonresidents for an annual fee of $50.00.
Patron Services, Privileges, and Responsibilities
Borrowing Privileges
Overdue Materials
Renewing Your Library Card
All cards (except the temporary cards) are valid for one year from the date of issue. Borrowers who have no overdue items or unpaid fees in excess of $15.00 may renew their cards by presenting identification of the kind that initial applicants must present at any Newark Public Library location.
Lost and Stolen Cards
Borrowers are responsible for all items borrowed with their cards until they inform the Library that their cards have been lost or stolen. Those who cannot find their cards are advised to notify the Library immediately. The charge for a replacement card is 25¢. Newark Public Library cards are not transferable.
Lost and Damaged Items
Cardholders are responsible for all items borrowed with their cards and liable for the cost of repairing or replacing items that are lost or damaged. Items that are overdue 60 days are considered lost, and borrowers will receive bills for them. Payments for lost items will be refunded if these items are subsequently returned.
The Library will accept a new copy of the same edition of a lost item, in the same format, as payment for the lost item, but will charge a $10 processing fee.
Suspension of Library Privileges
Borrowing privileges of those who owe fees in excess of $15.00 will be suspended until the fees are paid. The Library will temporarily restore the privileges of those who make reasonable partial payments.
Because library records are confidential, the staff will not divulge information from borrowers’ records over the telephone. Borrowers can check their own library accounts online, or obtain information from staff in person at any NPL location.
The Library’s policies and procedures regarding library cards, fees, and loan periods are subject to periodic review and revision.
Overdue Notices
The Library sends overdue notices by email (if possible, otherwise by mail) and encourages prompt return of materials and thereby increase their availability to the public.
Cardholders may reserve up to three titles at catalog.npl.org or in person for pick-up at any NPL location. The Library will notify them by e-mail (if possible, otherwise by mail) when reserved items become available and will hold the items for them up to 7 days. Holds may not be placed on videocassettes and DVDs.
Interlibrary Loan
When the Newark Public Library does not own an item that a cardholder in good standing (those with no overdue items and/or fees under $15) wishes to borrow, the Library will attempt to obtain it from another library through interlibrary loan. Borrowers are charged $1.00 per day for each overdue interlibrary loan item. Borrowers may submit requests for interlibrary loans in person, by fax (973-733-5648), by e-mail (ils@npl.org), or by telephone (973-733-7767). Renewals are at the discretion of the lending library.
Checkout Limits
Borrowers who have no overdue items or unpaid fees in excess of $15.00 may borrow (or have checked out) up to a total of 50 items including books, magazines, and audiovisual materials. Specific limits by type of material are up to: 5 music CDs, 5 audio books, 5 videocassettes, and 3 DVDs.
Books and magazines may be returned at any Library location. Audiovisual materials must be returned to the location from which they were borrowed.
A book drop is available at the Main Library for after hours returns.
Loan Periods
Renewals of Loans
Videocassettes and DVDs are not renewable. Other items may be renewed up to three times either in person (at any NPL location) or online through the library’s catalog at catalog.npl.org. Items may not be renewed by telephone.
Loans may be renewed even if borrowed items are overdue.
Reciprocal Borrowing
Click here to learn more about reciprocal borrowing with neighboring libraries.