eBooks and Audiobooks - Newark Public Library

eBooks and Audiobooks

You now have two choices for audiobooks and ebooks: hoopla and Libby/ ELibraryNJ plus several other databases.

Did you know?—Librarians gladly give personalized recommendations for your reading, viewing, and listening pleasure.  We are always happy to help you to find a book or movie that you’ll love. Please contact us by calling 973-733-7779, texting 201-563-1034, or emailing reference@npl.org

We look forward to hearing from you!


ELibraryNJ & Libby

More Free Books

The Palace Project

The Newark Public library is now offering hoopla, a digital platform for ebooks, audiobooks, comics, music, tv shows, and movies.  The content in hoopla is always available so you never have to place a hold.

Register for a hoopla account at https://www.hoopladigital.com/  or download the free app to access hoopla on mobile devices.  You will be prompted to enter your email address, create a password, and then enter your library card number and PIN.

You can borrow up to 6 items each month. Audiobooks, comics, and ebooks are available for 21 days.  Music can be borrowed for 7 days. Movies and tv shows are available for 2 or 3 days.

If you don’t have a Newark Public Library card please visit http://www.npl.org/librarycard/  to register for a card or visit your nearest branch to sign up for a card in person.

If you have a library card but don’t know your PIN go to https://catalog.npl.org/patroninfo.

Select PINs from the Help drop down menu for instructions on setting up a PIN or resetting an established PIN.

For frequently asked questions about accessing hoopla visit https://www.hoopladigital.com/help.

All you need is a library card to access ebooks, audiobooks and more for free! Read & listen to books with just a tap in our award-winning app Libby! Need a library card? Libby may be able to help!

For help using ELibrary/Overdrive/Libby ebooks and audiobooks, please watch .

The library offers a wide variety of ebooks and audiobooks from the Elibrarynj.
These online materials are very popular, so you may need to place items on hold and wait for copies to become available. 
To see which Ebooks are available to you now without a wait, please visit: https://elibrarynj.overdrive.com/collection/26447
For Audiobooks available Right Now, please visit: https://elibrarynj.overdrive.com/collection/26453

Digital eBooks and audiobooks are available to Newark Public Library cardholders for download to your personal computer as well as many portable devices (including eReaders, tablets, iPods, and smart phones) from eLibraryNJ.comYOU WILL NEED A PIN TO LOG IN. No card? No problem! Click here to get one!


  • Visit http://www.npl.org
  • Click on CATALOG (second item in the menu toward the top of the page)
  • Select MY LIBRARY ACCOUNT (top right of page)
  • Fill out the form: choose a PIN of 4 numbers you will remember.

While it is possible to open some eBooks immediately in your device’s web browser using OverDrive READ, other eBooks and audiobooks require a free software download in order to complete the process. From the OverDriveHelp page on the eLibraryNJ site, click on “Getting Started” and then select your device for instruction on how to proceed. You can also view videos to further acquaint yourself with eLibraryNJ. Please be aware that you may not use the Library’s computers to download eBooks and audiobooks.

If your library card is in good standing, you may check out a total of 5 digital eBooks and audiobooks at once. Materials are loaned for 7, 14, or 21 days. At the end of the loan period, the title expires and the item is automatically checked back in.

If all system copies are in use, it is possible to place a hold on a title. You may have up to 5 holds. When the book becomes available, you will receive an email indicating that it is ready for download. You then have 3 days to activate this checkout. If you do not download within the 3 days, you will forfeit your place in the queue for that title.

If you wish to speak to someone at the Newark Public Library, please call: (973) 733–7779.

Published by NPL

My Newark Story
An activity book about Newark created by the library for children.

Newark Eagles 101
An activity book about the Newark Eagles created by the library for children.

Knowing Newark
A book of columns by librarian Charles Cummings about Newark’s history.

Newark’s Literary Lights
A book about Newark authors.

Free eBook and Audiobook Websites
Find additional free audiobooks and ebooks which won’t require reservations at

“Introducing the Palace Project, an e-reading experience developed by and for libraries. With the Palace app you have access to the library’s digital collections in one place. Enjoy thousands of free books from the Palace Bookshelf as well as titles your library has purchased through the Palace Marketplace–available exclusively in the app.

To Download: The Palace Project app is available in both the Apple App Store for iOS phones and tablets and the Google Play Store for Android phones and tablets.

To connect: Open the Palace app, tap “Find Your Library,” and type or scroll to find your library’s name to access their collection of ebooks and audiobooks.

To Browse: Browse available titles by selecting any of the headings to view additional or related titles. Or, search for a specific title by selecting the magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the screen.

To Borrow “Select the desired title and click “Get.” If your book is currently unavailable, click “Reserve” to place a hold. After choosing to get or reserve a title, you will be prompted to sign in with your library barcode number and password/PIN.

To Read: Once your book has been downloaded, click “Read” or “Listen” and enjoy! Borrowed titles can be easily accessed by selecting “My Books” at the bottom of the screen.”