The Original Cowboy: An American Institution - Newark Public Library

The James Brown African American Room at the Newark Public Library Presents:

The Original Cowboy: An American Institution

Thursday June 26, 2024 @ 6PM

James Brown African American Room

Newark Public Library

5 Washington St. Newark, NJ 07102

This event has been postponed until further notice.

James Brown African American Room, 2nd Fl.

Newark Public Library

5 Washington St. Newark, NJ 07102


Brian Branch-Price

Brian Branch-Price a native of Plainfield, New Jersey and a Howard University graduate with a degree in geology and fine arts photography. Brian an American reportage and portrait photographer, director and author whose career has ranged from photojournalism to commissioned fine arts projects. Brian’s methodology has evolved to employ a traditional documentary/reportage approach that allows for his subjective interpretation of the subject.

His career as a photojournalist began at The Hilltop (Howard University) also began freelancing at The Washington Post. He staffed for several newspapers, including the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, and The Detroit Free Press, The Baltimore Sun, The Hartford Currant, The St. Pete Times, Trenton Times and The Associated Press (Trenton, NJ Bureau). He is currently contracting with Zuma Press images and the foto editor at Public Square Amplified

His commissioned and self-assignment work ranged from an orphanage in Ghana, was selected as a Department of Defense Embed for the Iraq War for AP, presidential campaigns, January 6, 2014 Super Bowl, World Series, and 2015 pro-cycling championships. He is currently working on large self-inspired project about America’s Black Diaspora from bondage to freedom. The project involves the reportage of Blacks in the Americas including Mexico and Canada. His earlier published reportage was on Black gospel artists and the Gullah Geechee’s in the low country of South Carolina.

Brian’s current project is the Black legacy of the western frontier: which includes: Buffalo soldier re-enacments, scouts, politicians, mountain men, farmers, cowboys, outlaws, and lawmen. However consistently for the last seven years Brian’s focus has been on his reportage: “The Original Cowboy, An American Institution” (which is episode III of his diaspora). The reportage takes a dive into the facts of the the cowboys origin, their legacy and traditions such as explorations, rodeos, trail rides, culinary practices and music.

This program is organized by staff in the James Brown African American Room on the 2nd floor of the Newark Public Library. 

For any questions contact us at (973) 733-5411 or email

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