LGBTQ Resource Center - Newark Public Library

LGBTQ Resource Center

LGBTQ Statement


The Newark Public Library (NPL) is committed to serving the city’s LGBTQ community, and has created a designated LGBTQ space within the Main Library at 5 Washington Street. Our LGBTQ Librarian, Candice M Delgardio, is dedicated to serving patrons, maintaining and expanding the collection, programming, and community outreach. The library serves as an open, safe, inclusive, and welcoming space, where individuals are comfortable to be themselves.


The Newark Public Library seeks to provide a variety of services and programs to the diverse LGBTQ communities. During the outset of this new initiative, the LGBTQ Librarian is actively contacting community organizations in order to build relationships, to learn more about individuals’ wants and needs, and to create an awareness of what NPL has to offer. Among the city’s most prominent groups are the Newark LGBTQ Community Center, Queer Newark, Rutgers-Newark LGBT Students and Allies, Newark Pride, and the African American Office of Gay Concerns, Newark Community Health Centers, Newark Police Department, Newark Public Schools, and Project WOW. The goal is to work together with these organizations, and more, to provide what the LGBTQ community needs and is interested in.


The LGBTQ materials collection is receiving updating and relocation into the designated LGBTQ library space on the first floor of the Main Library; Candice M Delgardio will also advise librarians throughout The Newark Public Library of materials appropriate for their collections: circulating and reference materials, periodicals, databases, etc. Candice will employ a variety of sources, including patrons’ suggestions, to guide acquisitions. For more information on LGBTQ resources please visit NPL’s Web Guide.


High quality programming with attention to intersectionalities will be another focus of the LGBTQ Librarian. The Library is continuing its popular Drag Queen Story Hours and Bingo events, and we expect to expand events and activities, such as community programs, book groups, author/filmmaker/speaker events, social gatherings, exhibits/displays, information sessions, health programs, and celebrations (International Transgender Day of Visibility, GLBT Book Month, National Coming Out Day, etc.). In addition, referrals to community services will be provided in person and via the Library’s LGBTQ Web Guide.


  • Drag Queen Story Hour
  • Drag Queen Bingo
  • Documentary screenings
  • LGBTQ Prom
  • Kiki Ball
  • Adult Game/Craft Nights
  • Author talks
  • Play readings
  • Panel Discussions
  • Newark Pride Kid Zone

The Newark Public Library is increasingly integrated into the City and will participate in activities throughout Newark. Staff will continue to work with community organizations and agencies to advocate for all residents’ rights and will promote awareness of LGBTQ contributions to our society. We particularly welcome opportunities to partner with schools in showcasing LGBTQ history, and we commit to advancing civil liberties and opportunities for all.

Download LGBTQ Statement

LGBTQ K-12 Reading Lists (PDF links):

Early Readers
Young Adults

LGBTQ Resources:


Newark LGBTQ Center The Newark LGBTQ Community Center is a volunteer-run, community-based organization committed to providing safe space, programs, and services that support the well-being of the LGBTQ community and our allies in the Newark, New Jersey area.

Newark Pride  Hosted annually in July, Newark’s Gay Pride events are hosted in an area brimming with activities, attractions and adventures! These events increase awareness of the city and its vast culture, while increasing revenue and visibility for corporate sponsors and local businesses alike.

Rutgers-Newark LGBT Students and Allies Check out the new LGBTQ & Diversity Resource Center located in Conklin Hall, Room 232

Queer Newark Oral History Project The Queer Newark Oral History Project (QNOHP) records interviews with LGBTQ Newarkers about their lives, makes their stories accessible to academic and community-based researchers, students, and artists; sponsors innovative programming that bridges the community and campus, spreads awareness of oral history methods, and commemorates the community’s elders.

NJCRI North Jersey Community Research Initiative; one of New Jersey’s largest and most comprehensive HIV/AIDS community-based organization;  includes LGBTQ services such as Project WOW, Pride Center of Newark,  PRIDE Project, and more.

African American Office of Gay Concerns The African American Office of Gay Concerns mission is to comprehensively serve as a resource for the well-being of Gay men of color, inclusive of, but not limited to the gay, bisexual, transgendered and questioning communities through outreach, education and compassionate care.

LGBT Rain Foundation Essex The Rain Foundation mission is to help young adults between the ages of 18-26 by providing emergency shelter, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing services to address the emergent need of LGBTQ individuals experiencing crisis leading to homelessness.

Newark Happening , Gay Friendly Newark Not only is Newark “quite friendly” as reported by Conde Nast Traveler, but quite gay-friendly to boot! Establishments in Brick City that welcome and support members of the gay community are easy to spot: each are sporting rainbow flag window decals emblazoned with the phrase, “Newark Believes in Pride.”

Gay Activist Alliance in Morris County (GAAMC) is not-for-profit volunteer-run organization that provides social, educational, and outreach programs. GAAMC also offers opportunities for individuals to become politically active on issues related to the GLBTI community.


Out In Jersey If it is happening in the “Out” LGBT community in New Jersey Out In Jersey has got you covered.

Garden State Equality Garden State Equality (GSE) is the largest LGBTQ advocacy organization in New Jersey and one of the most successful statewide civil rights organization for the LGBTQ community in the nation. Their services include advocacy, policy work, and trainings.

HiTOPS Provides positive, non-judgmental, accurate, affirming programs and services in  welcoming, fun, affirming spaces for young people of all identities, and the people who work with, and care for them.

Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays  (PFLAG)Uniting people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) with families, friends, and allies, PFLAG is committed to advancing equality through its mission of support, education, and advocacy.

The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network GLSEN strives to ensure that each member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or expression. Since homophobia and heterosexism undermine a healthy school climate, we work to educate teachers, students and the public at large about the damaging effects these forces have on youth and adults alike.


The Center The Center fosters a welcoming environment where everyone is celebrated for who they are. We offer the LGBTQ communities of NYC advocacy, health and wellness programs; arts, entertainment and cultural events; recovery, parenthood and family support services. Open 365 days a year!