Made for Teens: Design A Custom Tote Bag - Newark Public Library

Made for Teens: Design A Custom Tote Bag

Made for Teens: Design A Custom Tote Bag

Learn how to monetize your designs. Design a tote bag using Cricut Explore 3! Patrons will learn about the materials and process required to design and create a custom tote bag. Price of materials and retail prices will be covered.

Join “Made for Teens” in the Made@NPL Makerspace to make tech-based creative projects with other people in grades 7-12!

Made@NPL is a community Makerspace within the Newark Public Library’s Main Branch that provides access to in-demand equipment, technology, and software. Geared toward Newark’s creative entrepreneurs, Made@NPL is a space to explore your creative and entrepreneurial potential, learn and practice new skills, and meet like-minded people.

If you have any questions about Made@NPL, don’t hesitate to reach out to Sam at or call 973.733.3608. For questions about Youth Services, please contact Asha at


To request a session to use the equipment and software available through Made@NPL visit:


Check out the Newark Public Library, Made@NPL, and NPL Youth Services on Instagram!

NPL Youth Services: @npl_youthservicesmain

Newark Public Library: @newarklibrary

Made@NPL: @madenpl