ReBL (Reciprocal Borrowing and Lending)
Most libraries in Essex County participate in the ReBL (Reciprocating Borrowing and Lending) program and will issue ReBL stickers to their borrowers in good standing. Cards with ReBL stickers may be used at the Newark Public Library.
ReBL member libraries:
Newark residents who wish to have ReBL borrowing privileges must apply for them at The Newark Public Library — at the Main Library or at any branch. When a Newark patron applies for ReBL privileges, library staff:
(1) Check to see that the borrower does not have outstanding fines in excess of $15.00, and does not have any items overdue;
(2) Affix a ReBL sticker to the borrower’s card.
Non-Newark residents who wish to have ReBL borrowing privileges must apply for them at their local public library. The local library will affix a ReBL sticker to the patron’s card. Patrons holding cards from other ReBL libraries may borrow items from The Newark Public Library if they present a borrower’s card from their “home” library to which a ReBL sticker has been attached.
If a borrower presents a card from another ReBL library, but a ReBL sticker has not been affixed to it, NPL staff will require the individual to obtain a sticker from the “home” library before allowing Newark Public Library borrowing privileges.
If an out-of-town patron who does not have a card with a ReBL sticker attached has an urgent need to borrow an item from NPL, the patron may call his/her “home” library and ask a librarian there to fax an ALA interlibrary loan request form to NPL. (At the Main Library the form will be faxed to the ILS office, from which the patron is to pick it up.) When the patron presents the interlibrary loan form at the circulation desk, together with the item to be borrowed, the library staff member at the desk will charge the item to the library that issued the form and let the patron take it.